Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Analyzing my Audience

1) These readers have recently been told that their son or daughter has been diagnosed with Hard of Hearing (HOH) or deafness. These parents aren't sure of their beliefs yet which is why they are looking into this article and others similar. They want to find the right option for their family but cannot do this without the knowledge to make an educated decision. These parents are in a new and scary place in their lives, also wondering about where to take American Sign Language (ASL), and looking into all kinds of resources. It has just occurred to them that they don't know what to do to get their child through their education. These parents believe in the importance of an education for their family - they just aren't sure what kind that may be yet.

2) The language of this article is perfect for this audience. In their confused and scared emotional state, these parents need answers in a concise, quick, and educated manor. Some may not have as great of a vocabulary as others do which is why it is important to use regular speech talk, not a lot of scientific words that could get more confusing, and not too dull and small that the author is talking down to them. The language used in this article is the perfect example for how you'd want to talk to these parents.

3) These parents are probably in middle and lower class households though some upper class families may also choose to use the internet for their research. The reason I would think most upper class families would not choose to read this article is because the upper class has two main methods of finding information that is personal. The first is that they know a lot of helpful and powerful resources through their connections; neighbors, friends, business partners, etc. The other method they have is that most upper class individuals are highly educated and would resort to scientific academic journals instead of simple articles for just anyone. They also have the money to send their child anywhere or to keep them home for home schooling, something many other families cannot afford.

4) These parents will get the choice to pick what they want for their child for education. Since most will not be upper class they probably will not pick home schooling or boarding schools. They will be limited by the resources in their area, the amount they can afford on special treatment for specific ASL classes, lip reading, etc. They will probably pick a school close by that has a large deaf or HOH population but that is also a regular high school so they get both worlds in their education. But this article lets the parents decide what is best for them.

5) These parents want to know everything about this topic in order to make the best decision they can for their child. They will want to know the different costs for each type of education, the resources in their area, if they need to move to get closer to a better program for their child, how their child will be treated in each environment by both peers and teachers, how they will get these resources, where to sign up, how to sign, and so many more. These questions will plague them at every step of their child's education. Each new academic year, each bullying situation, every step of the way will have them back to this and other resources online and at clinics.

6) The best way to be persuaded in this situation would be financially appealing and more inclusive schooling would be best. These families do not have millions of dollars but still want to do what is best for their child. If they were told their financial stability was safe with one school or that the program at the expensive boarding school was the best in the nation and the only true option to insure a perfect life for their child, they would be more likely to pick that one.

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