Saturday, July 25, 2015

Analyzing My Audience

1) What values, ideas, norms, beliefs, even laws of the culture play an important role in the text?

  • I think the new ways of the deaf and hard of hearing culture is that they get to decide if they completely mix their culture with that of the hearing, or not. The beauty of this culture is that it depends on the individual, the family, everything, to decide if it is best for them to be in the hearing world or to stay in the deaf community and the deaf world. By choosing to go to an all deaf school, only signing, and not integrating their lives in that of the hearing they are choosing to be exclusive. If they choose to be part of both the hearing and non-hearing worlds then that is also a choice and can be chosen only by those individuals. This culture can be so broad and so narrow all at the same time. It is beautiful in that way. 

2) Does the text address these values, beliefs, etc directly or indirectly?

  • The article I chose gives light to all of the aspects of this culture. Whether they are inclusive or exclusive the author provides the pros and cons of each kind of system. In a way, he is not only discussing education, but the foundation of the morals of the parents providing the child with education. By choosing a residential school, they are putting their child in an exclusive environment focused on the deaf community and leaving the hearing world behind. By choosing a day school for their child they are choosing a life of mostly the deaf world with little to no interaction with the hearing. In a hearing school, there are many options, from just the classroom with out help, a little help, or full on help away from hearing students. This could potentially open the children up to an inclusive lifestyle. All these things are balanced precariously on one another and depending on the foundation of the family, the author may get varied responses from the audience. 

3) What is the relationship of the text to these values, beliefs, etc? Is it critical of these aspects of the culture? Is it supportive? Does it seek to modify these aspects of the culture in a certain way?

  • This text does not sway to one side of the spectrum or the other but rather stays medially, allowing the audience to make the decision for themselves. This is the best resource for parents who are in need of information because the author gives all the information he finds important about each kind of education, and allows for the audience to gauge it for themselves. The author does not seek to modify anyone's opinions or to support or negate anyone's values or ideas on proper education. 

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