I looked up two scholarly articles for my assignment on preschool education and the debate between play-oriented and academic-oriented preschool education. I used LexisNexis through the University of Arizona to complete my search. The links these articles are linked to are from this website and will not work with other programs.
The first scholarly source I found was a journal, "Making Play Work for Education" by Deena Skolnick Weisberg, Audrey K. Kittredge, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek,
Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, and David Klahr. Published May 1, 2015, this article is extremely timely and relevant to current political debates faced now in America. It is from Kappanmagazine.org.
The second scholarly source I found was also a journal, "Promoting Pretend Play in the Preschool Years: TeacherPractices and Strategies for Involving Families" by Marna Wintera
& Heidi Hollingswortha. Published May 12, 2015, this article is also extremely time-relavant which is why I chose these two articles. The more timely an article or journal is, the more likely the information has not been disputed and proven false, also making it the latest facts on a subject.
Both articles have the same purpose; to encourage play-oriented education in preschools through education of the teachers and parents who are in close contact with children of this age group or similar age group or developmental level.
Both journals cited many other academic journals, some of 2014, some later, which help to back up the facts discussed in their journals. These citations would also make for great references if I were to pursue them further.
These both seem like great resources to hold onto for your first project.