Saturday, August 8, 2015

Punctuation, Part 1

I chose to read about The Comma, The Semicolon, and the Colon. I believe that these three can get confusing and that I use a lot of commas when they aren't necessary and not when they are needed so I would like to focus on these chapters.

I found that I knew more about using the comma than I thought. I think if I work on shortening my sentences and making more concise statements that my usage of commas will improve naturally. I liked that in the semicolon chapter, there was a list of the conjunctive adverbs. I thought this list was helpful when using semicolons in the future. I thought that there would be more usages for colons in an article or piece of writing but there doesn't seem to be many.


I have learned that I am not the only one who uses commas a lot. I don't think commas are a negative or a positive thing if used properly: they just are. I think they can be overused to a degree if the reader starts to get confused or focuses on them for too long. I found two examples of these in my peers' work:

"Throughout history humanity's thirst for knowledge and natural curiosity has led many technological advancements from the creation of the automobile, to putting a man on the moon.  " - A Case for Stem Cell Research.

This example needs a coma or two to be clearer.

"Many long-standing institutions in the modern world are crumbling. Civic, political, religious, and educational agencies do not hold the degree of respect that they once did. Scandal, corruption, and incompetence within these entities have repelled a great many of the population, who have turned inward toward themselves and their inner circles, narrowing their world-views and losing sight of what is happening elsewhere. This alienation among social groups has divided people, disaffected them and made them wary toward what is not familiar. It is the climate for mistrust, misunderstanding, and endless conflict. " - In Defense of Photojournalism

This introduction paragraph can be really confusing with all the commas, and could use a simple rearranging of items to flow better.

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